
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Megan Fox is a Terrifying Orange Martian Lady

I don't keep up with what Hollywood thinks is hot, but the last time I checked Megan Fox was supposed to be the new hit star(let?) on the silver screen. And then I saw Transformers. And then Transformers: Screw It, Optimus Needs to be More Badass. And I need to tell you all something: Megan Fox is a terrifying alien here to suck our faces off.

No, seriously. She has a mouth like a lamprey, a smile like a clown, teeth like vulture, eyes like... well, they're fairly normal, I guess, and skin the exact colour of a roast chicken delicately glazed with apricot puree. SHE IS A HORRIFYING ORANGE PSEUDO-HUMAN. Please, please look at her objectively and you will see what I mean.

Man, I can't believe I'm writing about an effing celebrity but it needs to be said: stay away from this Playboy clone. She was maufactured on a distant planet, sent here to observe our ways, and landed in some Jersey Shore fraternity on Fake-Tan Night. She is inhuman, grotesque and must be stopped.

Saints above. She will chew your face off without a second thought.

1 comment:

  1. I think she topped Google searches at one stage. I shudder to think why. Maybe her fellow aliens (Paris Hilton, Kendra and the rest of the E! channel horde) are trying to keep in touch with their alien queen.

    I seriously, seriously do not rank her as hot or beautiful. And she has the most shocking tattoos. She brings shame to those of us who have good ones.
