
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Foxgirl Dignity Preservation League

The Foxgirl Dignity Preservation League (FDPL) calls for good people, kind people, to stand up and be counted. No longer shall foxgirls, the smarter, more elegant cousins to the common catgirl, be without representation on the foul swamp that is the internet!

The League calls for the creation and dissemination of respectful images, stories and original artwork that present these beautiful creatures in positions of dignity, respect, and non-nudity. The League calls for the abandonment of the stereotype that foxgirls have some innate allergy to cotton and an irresistible libido that compels them to commit the entire smorgasbord of sexual, sometimes dubiously-legal acts.

Join the League, and commit yourself to the preservation of foxgirl dignity! For now, you can find some artists who have taken steps in the right direction: Isuna Hasekura, who wrote the light novel Spice and Wolf; Jū Ayakura, who illustrated it; and Keito Koume, who adapted it in manga (comic) form.

There are other amazing artists who have done their best to portray foxgirls with dignity and grace, but they are few and far between. If you find one, or better yet are one and wish to post their/your work here, please comment and leave your details and I will get in contact with you.

Viva foxgirl dignity!


  1. Sounds like a noble plan to save the abused Foxgirl.

    Maybe one day, when I'm not trying to write for one company and start another, I will draw/write foxgirls for you. Yay?

  2. Of course yay! I will happily take submissions from anywhere. I will be putting together a style guide for acceptable level of skin and so forth. It might seem a bit draconian, but the FDPL demands no less.

  3. The defamation of foxgirls can only end when their levels of exposure are controlled to their further dignity.

    After all, exposed breasts are not always the fun tiems. It can be a little bit embarrassing for the poor foxgirl.
