
Friday, April 9, 2010

Fox About Box: Dirty Talking

Sometimes I wish I was on Wordpress... they seem to have much nicer tabs... if you're listening google, make your blogspots more customisable please! The list thing just isn't enough... anyway today's topic, and finally the opening of the promised sexy times my banner promises, we have the first entry for Fox About Box, the new sex section. Today's topic: dirty talking.

Dirty talking always confused me. Confuses me I should say. I guess because there seems to be multiple definitions which centre around two basic poles: A) dirty talking is talking about how good that tongue/penis/vagina (gasp, naughty words!) feels, or how hot one is getting, and so forth, while the latter (likely inspired by pornography) consists of straight out foul-mouthed swearing, possible accompanied by gesticulations and power point presentations. To be frank, the second seems just unpleasant. I have to say, I've often been of the opinion that if you're mouth isn't too busy to chat, you're doing it wrong, but that's just prescriptivism.

Anyway, getting the the main point, which is only tangentially related... wow my sentence structure is terrible. Um, dirty talking. Dirty acadmic talking. For those not in the know, and lets be honest all 4 of my readers are in the know, I trained as a social scientist. And so politics, economics and sociology is sexy to me. And therefore when I read upon some website a fictional conversation between two politics-trained soldiers, and especially the quote:

"Say it, I'm about to cum!"
"Oh yes!"
{cries of ecstasy}

I laughed until I died...

I'd totally get turned on by that.

So, dirty talking! Awesome, apparently.

1 comment:

  1. I think dirty talking is one of those awkward things we got from the movies and no one ever had the guts to say, 'but isn't this a little retarded?'

    I agree that it requires far too much breath. If you can talk, you're obviously using your tongue incorrectly. I think a lot of weird hang-ups about sex come from movies or porn. (I have watched very little of the latter so I cannot comment fairly there). But things like edible underwear, body chocolate...these things seem erotic but can be sticky, awkward, and lead to infections. Vaginas (gasp) do not tolerate new substances other than those they were designed to incubate very well. Introducing chocolate or whatever can only lead to an unhappy vagina, and therefore an irritable woman. Really, its not worth it.

    It does make me think of a joke though. Why is it lonely being an atheist? No one to talk to during sex.
