Here are ten reasons why you should eat mangoes:
1) They are soft fruit and super easy to digest.
2) They are full of sugar, which is good for you, damnit (yeah, pretty much everything you heard about sugar murdering your face is wrong. Except for diabetes, which is not cool)
3) They're tropical, and that's somehow more awesome than temperature fruit. Fuckin' apples. Think they're so cool.
4) Some mangoes are red and green, some (like in Zimbabwe) are purple and green.
5) They're sticky and juicy
6) Years and years of planned breeding has gone into them to make them not nearly as stringy as they used to be. Seriously, they used to have to be cut in a special way otherwise the fruit would get all mangled. But it's not like that now. Be a hero and appreciate it, damnit.
7) You can chew the residual flesh out of the peel and it tastes amazing.
8) Mango is a fun word to say. Imagine how fun it must be to eat?
9) They're not available that often, so eat them now!
10) They taste like sugarflower fairies having sex in your mouth!
Doilies, Vases and Greek Life Lessons
9 years ago
Oh, bring such joy to my life!